Spaghetti (I) (2023)
Definitely a shocker! Cult Classic!
15 September 2023
The pacing of Spaghetti is nearly perfect, with a slow burn that gradually builds tension and suspense before erupting into a nightmarish climax. The film doesn't rely solely on jump scares but instead focuses on psychological horror, leaving you with a lingering sense of unease long after the credits roll.

However, Spaghetti is not without its flaws. Some viewers may find the plot predictable, as the genre conventions are well-trodden ground. Additionally, the film's climax may be considered by some as overly gruesome, potentially pushing the boundaries of good taste.

In conclusion, Spaghetti is a horror film that stands out in a genre often saturated with clichés. It takes a simple concept and elevates it to terrifying heights, with strong performances, effective atmosphere, and stomach-churning practical effects. If you have a strong stomach and a taste for horror that lingers long after the lights come up, Spaghetti is a must-see. Just be prepared to think twice about ordering Italian food afterward.
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