Invasion (2021–2024)
The first season kept me in, the second season - not so much
15 September 2023
I really loved the first season and so looked forward to the second one. But what a waste. The kid who hates his mother and has one deeply annoying emotional register for the entire series - I cringe when he's on the screen, as well as his cliched ever-suffering mom - just no! Enough. The Mitsuki character is the only one with whom I'm now engaged, other than the actor Shamier Anderson's soldier. Anderson acted his socks off in the first season. But he had a role. But where is he now? And don't get me going on the stereotype hipper than hip tech boss, who knows what's best for everyone - omg, what were they thinking? It's as if they took all the weak aspects of the first season and focused on those at the expense of everything that was truly riveting in the first season - its visual beauty and the mystery of love and friendship in a time of horror and the unknown. What a shame. I'll keep watching it until the end, but my expectations are completely blown.
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