Great suspense!
14 September 2023
Now I want to read the book that the series is based on. The acting and writing are great, and the twists and turns between the two main characters, Nella and Hazel, are excellent and will keep you guessing from episode to episode.

I don't usually binge watch, but the end of every episode was filled with such a cliff hanger that I felt compelled to watch the next episode. It even made me put down my knitting!

Hulu has produced some great original movies and series. I would encourage folks who are into suspense and drama to give this a try.

My only complaint is that the chemistry between Nella and her BF seem forced, if not non-existent, and also, her best friend is a little extreme. Both took me out of the "willing suspension of disbelief," but the show was otherwise worth my time.
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