The Flash: Enemy at the Gates (2021)
Season 7, Episode 15
Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: Enemy At the Gates
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first good episode in a's been like 2 episodes, but still! It used to be when this show had a bad episode it was outlier. Now, good episodes are very few and far between. This is the episode where the Godspeed Civil War begins when Godspeed infiltrates S. T. A. R Labs. This episode has 4 plotlines, all differing levels of quality. The annoying drama with Allegra is just that...annoying! The stuff with Frost and Chillblaine is straight up cringe. And I couldn't care less about the stuff with Kramer and Joe. (The ending of the episode where the car blows up is cool tho). However, the main plotline with Godspeed is way more interesting! Despite what he becomes later, Godspeed is very threatening in this episode. The fight scene between him and Barry is one of the best moments this season! It's crazy how part of this episode is incredible and other parts are almost unwatchable. At least almost unwatchable is better than just unwatchable so 7.5/10 it is! Going under Alls Wells That Ends Wells, but above The One With the Nineties.
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