Telemarketers (2023)
Had To Review....
14 September 2023
Due to insane amounts of negative/low reviews, I felt it necessary to offer up some positive words for what we felt was an overall well-done production.

Yes, it was a little laborious- could have been 1, maybe 2 episodes. Lots of nonsense shoved in that added nothing to the telling, but still an overall good story with lots of exposition and good dialogue.

While I genuinely felt for Pat, and more importantly, his wife, his incredible lack of awareness and dubious ignorance at the inner workings on politics is suspicious, at best. Especially coming from a background in heavy drug use and his wife suffering the effects of cancer/treatments, it would have been somewhat appropriate to form a cognitive realization that government = exploitative, unhelpful, bloviating nonsense. The hardest to stomach was the elevated and downright heroic portrayal of Richard 'Stolen Valor' Blumenthal. This creature that is far too comfortable in DC exemplifies precisely what the government machinery represents; addled, aged, and completely incompetent representatives that have nothing but their own interests at heart. Before you go accusing me of insane one-sideism, I do believe they're just two sides of the same coin. I do rather appreciate a tiny handful who've entered politics for the right reasons- JD Vance is an excellent example of someone trying desperately to make a difference, but with so many trying so desperately to turn this country into one of the haves and havenots, he's likely to either wither on the vine or become the antithesis of what he set out to do.

Either way, what this series does is exposes the utter corruption within government- from despicable unions/union reps, to bureaucracy malfeasance, to upper echelons of government that are only there to make excuses for the government that increases their stock portfolio while laughing as the people suffer under their weight, and shine a light on the gross mismanagement of monies good people place in the hands of these monsters only to transfer it into the pockets of those who have no incentive to place that money where it belongs.

If there's one thing lacking, I sincerely wish there had been mention of what we, as citizens, can do to bring this to an end, or at least keep our loved ones from becoming victims- things like two signature requirements on savings/checking accounts (so there's no large withdrawals without notifying both parties) talking with those who are becoming senile or lack the cognitive ability to discern what is a scam so they're less likely to become victims, talk with them a few times a week so they're not so lonely and willing to hand over fistfuls of money because these scamming fraudsters pretend to take an interest in their lives. There's many ways to keep from becoming a victim, the first of which is to NEVER answer the phone of a number you don't know. If it's an emergency they'll leave a message, and then cross reference that message with someone who can help you.

In this age of technology literally at your fingertips, there's absolutely no reason to ever become a victim of a scam. Trust but verify, be skeptical of everything, and listen to the details. If all else fails have a loved on or even a neighbor who will hell you decipher what is likely a scam.
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