A shark tale as old as time...
14 September 2023
Jurassic Shark is a 2012 film directed by Brett Kelly This is about a Megalodon released by a drilling company in a lake, a group of criminals plot to leave, but the shark has other ideas.

The movie is very campy in the typical microbudget way. I do like that they don't waste time getting to the shark munching action with exposition. I admit I only lost attention for a small section or two of the film (which is good considering other shark films).

The acting is...ok. For the budget level this film is in the actors carry the film in an appropriate way. There were no performances that said to me "ugh this is a crappy film".

The CGI for the shark was bad but I've seen much worse. There was a scene where a girl is bitten in half and though it looks fake it also looked a little cool at the same time. To me the set location is cool and somewhat varied. I feel that the effects are appropriate for the microbudget film they are doing. Also that scene with the shark flying through the air is classic cheese.

The Music in this is what you expect from a shark film. The music works but isn't really all that interesting in a stand alone since.

In the end Jurassic Shark is your typical low budget shark film with campy flair that is enjoyable yet at the same time nothing spectacular. If you are a big shark movie fan and love super campy ones you'll not go wrong with this.
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