Dumb Money (2023)
Intermittently entertaining
14 September 2023
Even with its admirable intentions, in its writing, Dumb Money is, well, dumb. It's incessantly preachy and shallow, clinically moving from plot point to plot point while never examining any of its characters or happenings beneath the surface level.

Granted, it doesn't necessarily need to. But it also doesn't present its scant narrative with enough style to make it compulsively watchable.

Still, I found it impossible to dislike this movie. It tells the populist story that united everyone-right, left, and center-for a brief moment of euphoric social harmony. How can I not get wrapped up in reliving all that?

Most of the cast brings charisma to their characters that was not on the page, and they are what is compelling about this film. That, and, even though the script has a dearth of insight, it's funny. It had loads of fast-paced dry wit that make it tough to not smile throughout.

The performers and the humour really saved this movie, and though I don't think it'll have the impact the filmmakers were hoping for, it's a solidly good time. Just don't take it too seriously.
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