Big Sky River (2022 TV Movie)
Misses the Mark
12 September 2023
A lot of money was spent on this "By the Numbers" Hallmark romance flick, but all the money in the world couldn't save a script that is frankly tedious. Emmanuelle Vaugier did what she could with it, but in the end she really didn't convince me. Kavan Smith, well, I don't know really. There was just something about him that didn't work and I never really believed the relationship between them. But - worst of all - the endless discussions and advice by/from friends about the whole Tara+Boon thin: "Do you feel something for him?", "Are you falling for him?", "Have you asked her out yet?","Why not come to a barbecue where he's going to be?". I know this is standard fare for a Hallmark movie but in this one it really overpowers the story and it's also boring. And then there's Tara's ex - a thoroughly obnoxious selfish man who I cannot imagine her marrying under any circumstances unless she was on something. Not much else happens, really. There is some drama but the resolution is never in doubt. I understand that there is an epic sequel, but I won't be tuning in to find out what happened next ... because it's Hallmark, so I already know.
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