From Friend to Fiancé (2019 TV Movie)
Wow! A Hallmark movie where I didn't hate the two leads.
11 September 2023
Hallmark. What are you doing? You're supposed to be 100% cringe 100% of the time. And yet here I am, having just watched one of your movies without the taste of bile in my mouth. Not only did I not hate the leads in this movie - I actually liked them! Well, I liked the female lead, anyway - the male lead was kinda just okay.

The main characters of this movie are Jess and Ted. Ted, overall, is just sort of there throughout most of this movie. He's a nice guy, and I don't openly despise him, which is a far cry from most of the male leads in Hallmark movies these days - don't get me started on "Pervert Max" in "I Do, I Do, I Do." He is, admittedly, kind of an idiot, wanting to marry a girl he's been dating for all of five minutes, but at least he doesn't gaslight or degrade the female lead.

Jess is the most likable Hallmark heroine I've seen in a long time. She's quirky, funny, and all around sympathetic. She DOES over implement the juvenile phrase "LIKE like" far too much, but if that's the worst thing I can say about a character in one of these movies (where the female lead if often desperately in love with whiney, self-absorbed, entitled man-babies), then she's doing something right. The actress, Jocelyn Hudson, does a great job of portraying the character as sweet, a little goofy, but overall very likable.

Without getting into spoilers, the movie DOES wrap up in a sort of unsatisfying way, mostly because it seems rushed.

Overall, for the first time ever, I can say about a Hallmark movie, "I didn't hate it."
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