Women, spiders and rock men, the moon is full of life!
11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that may have fit in better if it had released in the 30's or maybe the 40's. By the 50's though there were more than a couple of good science fiction films that looked better than this thing. If it had been made in the 70's, it probably would have made a really good adult film, but as it is it looks bad and the plot laughable. The surface of the moon is obviously a desert, the monsters so slow you would be ashamed of yourself if they caught you (looking at you Gary) and a bevy of girls in need of men and a dude with his fiance ruins everything!

So the story has a man who has seemingly created a rocket on his own wishing to blast off because the government wishes to confiscate it. Stupid government, try to tell me it is the land of the free yet I cannot have my own personal rocket made out of pegboard, dagnabit! Well two convicts make up this guy's crew, but the scientist's assistant and his fiance get on board too. Well, they make it to the moon, but thanks to the fiance being there things go awry and the poor scientist is killed by a toolkit. Well, they reach the moon and there are women and they mistake the assistant for the scientist and apparently the scientist was from the moon and now Steve who is engaged comes close to marrying another. Long story short, thanks to Steve and his jealous fiance an entire race is wiped out...

The acting is typical of the time, the story outlandish. I kind of knew where it was going when the scientist gave the assistant the medallion, it is just too bad Steve was such a catch that the one moon girl could not back off, as that doomed everyone on the moon! Meanwhile, there were stone men that one could easily briskly walk away from, but a character instead walked right to his death. There is also a spider that looked strangely familiar, I am thinking it was used in another film.

So, the film was not good and while Steve and his crew blew it and just laughed off the death of a civilization any normal person would have felt sadness over, one has to wonder how they might react in the situation. I would love to be instantly liked by the moon girls, but then I am someone who is so introverted I am incapable of getting anyone these days and they just kill them all! Also, Gary would have been disappointed coming back to Earth when the 'diamonds' turned out to be like those salt crystals kids made in class...
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