The Flash: A New World, Part 2: The Blues (2023)
Season 9, Episode 11
Another wasted episode
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Only 2 episodes left in the final season of The Flash & the powers that be decide "let's just do another show where everybody but the Flash has a shot at saving the day".

These are all fine actors and actresses, but they should stick to their prescribed role of supporting cast, aka sidekicks. An episode here or there, 5 or 6 years ago, whenever these newer characters were first introduced to help showcase their abilities would have been fine, but less than a handful of episodes left to wrap up the entire series and this is what they decide to do?

I will continue to watch this show until the very end because despite how they are treating the title character, I believe the show deserves a chance to prove they can do an ending worthy of the hero the Flash grew into and became.
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