Birth/Rebirth (2023)
The horrors of a mother, not the movie.
9 September 2023
Birth/Rebirth has an interesting premise, not an original one but what it chooses to do with it makes it different.

If you're going into this movie thinking you're going to see a Frankenstein rip off then you're wrong. It's about the horrors of a mother losing her child, mixed with a team of doctors doing everything in their powers to bring the child back.

Thus this one is more psychological drama than anything, has some cool scenes, nice attention to details, feels like a good view overall.

The ending for me fell as flat as it could, but I guess this was its destionation all along. The road there was enjoyable indeed and I think with a better ending Birth/Rebirth could have been fresh and with a nice impact.

I shall recommending this one, especially for a late night view, just remember it's not horror, you won't get scared but you still might be entertained.

If you enjoy it I also recommend Resurrected 2023.

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