Don't Look Away (I) (2023)
Entertaining until the ending.
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much from this low budget movie and enjoyed the visual effects. It didn't matter that you didn't see what was happening as the mannequin never actually moved and you can use your imagination. Somehow it never got blood on it even though there would have been hundreds of gallons of blood all around it. The blood on a windshield looked like someone smeared red paint on it from a small car crash.

The mystery person at the end was creepy and added more suspense. The part that bothers me is how they supposedly captured the mannequin. What 20 something year old has a wooden human sized crate readily available? Also, how is she supposed to look at the mannequin constantly to get it in there even if she had it? Since it can reappear anywhere when not looking at it why can't it reappear outside of the wooden crate? Is it magic wood?
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