The Nun II (2023)
Horrible movie made by a brainless director
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so poorly made, I couldn't believe the writers and director would stoop to this level! It's like they didn't even know what scene transition or story transition means. And forget about proper sequence or character buildup!

Seriously, there's this guy who gets possessed and decides to visit chapels in every country in Europe to kill priests and nuns. Talk about a unique vacation itinerary!

Then, the Vatican, in all its wisdom, asks this squeaky little nun, hiding away in some obscure monastery, for help. And guess what? She gets a useless sidekick straight out of the Minority section. Apparently, the Vatican's recruitment process needs some serious revamping.

Out of nowhere, our little nun becomes a genius detective and figures out that the demon is after the eyes of a fire-resistant dead woman. Because, you know, that's a totally logical thing for a demon to want.

So, off they go to France to find the ex-boyfriend( the possessed person). Just when you think things can't get any weirder, a goat breaks free from some colored glass and becomes a goat-man. Yup, you read that right.

And let's not forget about the grand climax! The demon, who apparently resisted the blood of Jesus Christ, meets its demise at the hands of... wine. In a wine cellar. Brilliant, just brilliant.

Honestly, this movie has no relation to the Conjuring franchise whatsoever. It's like they took a horror script and threw it in a blender with a bunch of random, idiotic ideas. Save yourself the trouble, even if you're a die-hard horror fan, and avoid this flick like the plague. It's a horror show in all the wrong ways.
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