6 September 2023

They say directors should get better withe every film - unfortunately George Basha has NO idea about storytelling. After 4 films you think you would understand how to tell a believable story.

This is by far the lowest budget George has ever had on a film.

There is nothing believable about this story and it starts with the ridiculous title - Hostile forces, is this an ARMY film? NO it's not. It's a about a family who are staying in a bush cabin, and they find a bag of money, the BAD GUYS come to collect it and the main character Mikey refuses (for no valid reason) if you want to protect your family - you give the bad guys the bag. So instead, the bad guys need to enlist like 10 guys to hunt down 1 man - Rambo anyone? This then becomes a terrible rip off of beloved films like First Blood, Predator and Commando all rolled into one. Even with the cheesy one-liners of those 80's film - this will never even be an homage to those film.

They then run around the bush trying to kill Mickey whose ex-army and of course they need 10 guys to kill him, and they all have NO chance.

The acting is terrible, the lead actor George has no gravitas or presence to pull this off. The bad guys are almost cartoon like in their clunky dialogue and look, the music is a bad cheap rip-off of many brilliant film scores and the rest of the cast have no talent whatsoever.

There's a hot teenage daughter who can't act but great to look at.

Maya Stange is wasted here by far the best of the bunch, why she agreed to do this film is baffling. The teenage son can't act, there's nothing interesting or compelling at all.

Some of the fight scenes were good BUT not great, especially Ali Kadim (a guy to watch) - he should have been the lead of the film. After watching the terrible childish and amateurish dialogue you can't take this film seriously and you shouldn't. BUT even these films should have some sort of respect.

The cinematography was mediocre, it was GOOD but not great.

The Combination has been the best film thus far from George, but he didn't direct that one - David Field did, George only wrote it. I'm so disappointed that I didn't like this, I have watched all of George Basha's movies made. Sorry George everything above is an honest and constructive critical review.

You don't understand subtext, or character development, you don't understand truth in an acting performance, you don't understand story or character arcs and you definitely don't understand plot holes. Your film needed the right people in the roles of screenwriter, acting and directing.

Well done for getting another film done but if you choose to continue collaborate with people who have done great things, and they will elevate the film.
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