Inspiring and daunting.
5 September 2023
Probably just about as "spot on" as possible at this stage of the game.

Cyborg Society (CS), as a project, had seemingly many potholes to stumble into - the end result avoided enough of them to become a fascinating documentary. In difference to many before it, CS manages to escape the, dry, Q&A approach. Instead it uses the 59 minute running time to start weaving a fabric representing the emotional ride we are embarking on.

To a large extent; letting Ameca, a bona fide cyborg, be part of the discussion - rather than part of the topic discussed - is instrumental in the; stirring of emotions and generating of opinions. It's crafty weaving. By edging it/her/him, more and more, into the discussion a sense of familiarity starts creeping in and with that come the seeds of empathy... alongside those of fear.

CS may not answer any of "the big questions" associated with AI, but it does have the ability to "fast forward feelings" on the subject. Which of the many aspects that make the most profound impression is likely vary between viewers, but many are likely to feel; one step closer to the topic.
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