Jeff Bridges is spectacular in this movie. When he's on the screen the movie gets 10 in my book
4 September 2023
It's been fun to watch or re-watch The Last Picture Show, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, Cutter's Way and this movie in the last couple of weeks. Jeff Bridges gives an enthralling, magnetic, and star making performance in The Last American Hero.

There's a Iot that I like about the movie as a whole, but one has to admit that it sags a little bit here and there. It definitely isn't The Walton, which succeeded for nine seasons, although they might be shirt-tail cousins. Still, I like the story, Gary Busey's performance as Wayne, and Geraldine Fitzgerald's performance as the "Annie Savoy (Susan Sarandon)" type role.

Based on an article from Tom Wolfe's first book, this story gives Jeff Bridges a great opportunity to shine bright. Jeff B was great in The Last Picture Show but he wasn't on the screen for long, here he carries the movie. In Thunderbolt and Lightfoot he gave a memorable performance in an ensemble movie.
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