Telemarketers (2023)
Interesting.. but withers....
3 September 2023
I'll give this short, 3-episode series props for ensuring I, not anyone I know, EVER donates anything to anyone who calls for a donation.

While this series seems to largely focus on police and fire institutions, I'm sure it's not much different when compared to ANY organization that utilizes telemarketing for "donations".

As a series.. it was compelling for all 3 episodes.

The only issue I had was how it ends.. in a puff of smoke, like it never existed.

But I suppose that's more due to the unsavory organizations having the money and power to control the government (which is really what the US Congress is built upon). All ya need to do is pay lobbyists and you can do the most unethical things to the rest of the population.

Make no mistake.. the government COULD stop this.. if they cared one iota.


Sidebar.. I can't help but think if Phil dressed better, did NOT wear a hat, and took the damn sunglasses OFF for interviews he may have been taken more seriously. Read the room, as it were.
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