2 September 2023
This is what happens when good intentions get distracted by a large ego. Facts are bundled together after which subjective conclusions are stretched way too far - all while falsely implying "a scientific seal of approval".

It's a shame. If kept on the "rhetorical straight and narrow" - "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones" - would have presented some interesting hypotheses alongside the possibility to believe there is a viable way forward, "believe" being the operative word. Dan Buettner's use of over-rhetoric throughout, likely, undermines most critical viewers ability to engage in his theories.

NetFlix' initial disclaimer "The following series is designed to entertain and inform - not to provide medical or health advice." is foreboding of what is about to follow. That sentence, pretty much indicates "the issues with this series"; it presents beliefs in a way that deceptively resemble facts. Beliefs are fine, if you want to adhere to them - but that should be by free choice not by implying factuality. If the disclaimer didn't give it away, the introduction provides further hints; "They all follow roughly the exact same formula".

The use of "roughly" and "exactly" as descriptive in the same sentence is fine example of what unfolds as a whole - blurryness. The "trick" that is being pulled is by means of an "old and proven recipe"; put forth a mulitude of facts, draw some uncorroborated conclusion and then wrap them up together, and present them as "sort of scientific".

Dan Buettner appears earnest in his beliefs - his attempts to package said beliefs in "an air of science" less so. He definitely comes across more as a preacher than a scientist. The frequently used over rhetoric doesn't naturally peg him in any part of the scientific community.

It's a shame... the subject being addressed is, arguably, important and the effort put in seemingly great. Much good work (and some bad) is done on a belief basis - it's a shame Buttner doesn't show it for what it is.
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