Dream Wedding (2023)
Please don't waste your time
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Great American Family so I hate writing this, but after spending the last hour and a half watching this movie, I have to help prevent others doing the same thing.

The plot is thin and tired, the actors are caricatures of themselves (especially the "villain" and the parents), and the dialogue is just bad. Kate's change in character and decision making makes no sense given how they established her in the beginning and some of the lines of dialogue in general are kind of mean. At least the magazine editor had common sense and was reasonable. The wrap up was far too quick and the payoff wasn't there due to lack of chemistry and no build up! Why are we supposed to root for Kate and the photographer (sorry, I don't even recall his name) when she showed absolutely no interest in him the entire movie and spent her time fawning over the body builder just to later make him feel bad about his entire personality with a single sentence?

Jesse Hutch and the actor who played the sister's fiancé did their best, but unless you are realllllyyyy a fan of either of those actors, just don't waste your time.

If this was your first introduction to Great American Family, please don't give up on the channel! This is by far the worst movie I've ever seen on the channel. I'm not sure who greenlit it but hopefully Great American never releases anything of this level of quality again.
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