Poorly written, disappointing overall
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like the drama and what it's trying to convey but instead of writing a vulnerable main character, she came across as just stupid and incredibly naive.

Even the supposedly intelligent, self sufficient famous author (not some lonely struggling woman with no social life), kept ignoring a red flag after red flag for no reason especially when the male villain wasn't that convincing to begin with. He wasn't exactly the dashing prince was he, nor was he particularly charismatic or likeable. He was just shady and sleazy. Didn't see why anyone would find him attractive, let alone fall for him.

He concocted some bizarre, far fetched story about his colleagues being kidnapped to steal the author's money, and lo and behold her money completely disappeared. He kept changing his story and giving her the classic "you'll get the money soon" line every single time. Yet what did she do? Absolutely nothing and even covered for him when she wasn't even in love with him as she claimed. Ridiculous.

She finally had an epiphany in the last episode all of a sudden and decided that he'd been deceiving her all along. Duh. She also turned into a psychic out of the blue as she somehow knew her dog was put in a bag and thrown into the lake. How the hell did she know that? Alice never told her the dog was in the bag.

Then came the monologue about how male criminals get away with crimes against women on a regular basis and I do get what the writers were trying to say but don't just let the characters sit on a bench and "explain" on and on whilst showing images of real criminals. Felt so out of place. Didn't help that the actress sounded like she was memorising the lines. Maybe they were trying to be quirky but didn't quite work imo. Trying too hard.

All in all, disappointing. Maybe a drama to put it on in the background. Not for a serious watch.
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