Ragnarok (2020–2023)
lost three stars for a crappy ending
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say? A really great show that I enjoyed so much until the last season. It was as if we had exchanged good writers for mediocre ones. The story felt very rushed this last season.

(why is every show either dragged out or rushed through? Pacing people, pacing... pay attention to it!)

And then a very 'meh' ending, after a silly teen drama. After you find out you're a god/concept personification, you suddenly go back to being mentally 3 years old? Not that the Norse gods were anything but big babies, however we have the benefit of modern education here. Or so it would seem.

And the end, what were they thinking? They spent so much time crafting a great story to just drop the ball at the end? Its like Michaelangelo painted the sistine chapel but couldn't be bothered with the eyes, and then stuck googly eyes on all the figures. Why bother in the first place?

So I've been left desolate, and hoping that Jormungandr starts eating people by the truckload to give us something interesting - the world serpent is one of my faves and nothing happens except he goes off into the ocean - presumably to snack on whales and oil rigs.

So very disappointing, and I'm fairly heartbroken, as it was excellent YA tv until now.
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