It's an interesting story
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK I will walk the controversial path here it's a one woman play about a woman who is raped and must go to court when her colleague professes innocence and the feelings she endures and thoughts she has on the way yes I know rape has been handled many times but this time is different with it being a one woman show now how you view it depends on your perspective obviously but there are some things that for me are common ground.

Read my above paragraph again, where is the punctuation? Did you struggle a tiny bit to read what I wrote? Yeah you got it eventually but you had to decipher it and therein lies the reason I dislike Prima Facie: Comer's almost 2 hour monologue has no 'speech punctuation'. I was lost off many times, my brain trying to process who said what and what did it mean, way behind the speed Comer was shouting the lines. And yes, most of the time she was shouting in earnest, even when it wasn't necessary.

She got rave reviews so I guess my opinion differs from the mainstream, but I didn't watch this play, I suffered it.
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