The Traitors Australia (2022–2023)
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Watched the UK version first, with it's believable ordinary people. Some production influence to make a narrative, or it was so subtle that was passable.

I really think Oz version can learn a trick or too while still doing its own thing. First is little interview with every banished or murdered person, capture how they feel about the process, and give some closure.

The host Roger was very passable, did a good job, didn't steal the show or fumble.

Also why you did Paul dirty like that? I get some people are more photogenic or have a better story, but from 24 people he makes it to the final 7 and yet hasn't said 10 words in the whole program? Felt like he murdered someone in real life and they tried to cut him out of the show completely. Same with Craig, barely visible till the last 8. If you want me to be invested in the outcome then I need to know who these people are.

I understand why a new traitor had to be introduced, because if there is just one and they get eliminated then the game ends 2 episodes too early. But this just felt massively stacked against the Faithful, zero incentive for them to hack off the hydra's heads if they keep respawning, better to identify them yourself and survive till the endgame.

With Matt repeatedly asking for the witness, it was so overdone I thought about skipping episodes till I saw that he had gone, so uncomfortable.

Loved Theresa, Marielle and of course, Nige.

But the end just felt so exploitative, close up of Craig's face when he realises that he's been duped, and that he was choosing between hanging or firing squad after Lewis went. And then we realise that we just watched 12 hours for a really bitter after taste. So the producers counter that by giving Alex the 'best' (maybe one of the only) reason for wanting the money...There's no celebration, just a realistic acceptance that the good guy doesn't win, people will lie to your face and betray you if it benefits themselves. You can't win when the deck is stacked, so best off not playing.... or watching.
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