Review of Ahsoka

Ahsoka (2023– )
Not the worst thing to come out of the franchise
26 August 2023
So far this isn't the worst Star Wars show/movie out there, but it's certainly not amazing either.

The good: It's very pretty

The mediocre: The music The plot The villains

The bad: The acting The writing

Nothing feels like people having an actual conversation, it all feels like people reading lines at each other.

The thing with the map they are trying to find feels like it's pulled directly out of the sequel trilogy. Why is there a map to someone's current location hidden in some ancient ruins behind several layers of old mechanisms you have to turn to unlock? It's the classic error of thinking of something you think will look cool and then finding a silly excuse to do it.

And then there's the whole "the force is female" thing. So far it doesn't really hurt the show, because most of the characters are established and well liked, but you can't help but notice and remember that it's because if Disney's stupid politics, and it just can't help hurting the immersion of the show.

The lightssaber choreography seems really mediocre as well. It's full of the standard up close and obscure shots and cuts, that they do when they have no choice, because it would look terrible otherwise.

The last annoyance so far is the female villain. Maybe it will get better of we get to know her, but her only trait so far is her ability to have a complete deadpan look no matter what's going on in the scene. It's the most lazy way possible to try to make a villain look evil.

I hope the show will get better and part 2 was definitely better than part 1, so there's still hope for the show.
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