Bloodless Alien Terror
25 August 2023
This episode is another honorable mention, it's also strangely one of my favorite Thanksgiving episodes, as this was the film picked for the annual Turkey Fest the show holds each year; so being a MST3K fan I watch this episode each Thanksgiving.

There are two versions of this episode, one in its original airing with its original skits and the other the Turkey Fest. Both are good in their own way, from the original version really liked that skit which parodies on the musical part of the bad short which is like one big advertisement for "Telephones" and "Kitchenware" which it probably was, but it was just funny seeing Gypsy just singing out the songs and the robots comply to her wishes, no mater how ridiculous. But for the Turkey fest episode I really like the Thanksgiving business, we see on both sides of the spectrum which I'll say are funny but also strangely sweet and touching in their own ways.

And of course, we have the movie to watch while eating your Thanksgiving meal, though on second thought you might not. As usual it's just funny seeing the crew with the riffs to this lame 50's outer space creature feature. It's funny how they riff on the Blood beast monster which looks like it could be another junked high school mascot costume. It hardly even looks threatening as it looks like one big parrot, which in a way made the film even more fitting for the episode's Thanksgiving theme. But really like it whenever the Bots call out the name "Steve" to most of the characters in the film, it's funny because it's true as in most old films it was a very commonly used name. You could almost play another drinking game depending on how many times you hear the name from either the bots or the movie.

This flightless bloodless blunder flies high in hilarity. And as for the MST3K fans and even non fans, Happy Thanksgiving.

Rating: 3 and a half stars.
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