Intelligent piece .....
24 August 2023
This is not a dumb movie .... it shows thirtysomethings struggling with the wreckage of Neo-liberal France as promoted by the current Bankers wolf-in-sheep's-clothing .... no names need be given 🙂🙃😉

  • great cast of actors who seem to me as a viewer more of a stage/drama crew than a cinema-type selection of thespians

  • they are all very competent but do not have that screen presence which defines a silver screen practitioner. This may be my personal perception here

  • the story contains many of the themes current in the early 21st century French and really Western Zeitgeist : Glowball Worming (sic) the destruction of the Left inter-gender relationships and roles up in the air for redefining; the treatment society metes out to elders (EPAD/old folks homes) ... and a few themes specific to folks in their 30s who are highly educated and a bit lost in this over-complicated multi-levelled society

  • It can be read as a comedy; it has many funny elements in it; it can also be seen as a drama; heavy themes (unwanted pregnancy again Gleeball Worming (still sic) the elderly but ultimately it glides happily and is never really gloomy; it feels in a way as if it mocks all these themes and shows them to be a surface a backdrop not really the core .... the core is no different than one would find in Balzac or Stendhal .... there is a classical dimension here; away from 21st century Macronistan

  • I only gave it a 7 could be an 8 but it never truly really catches fire but is nonetheless really enjoyable viewing. Recommended.
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