Review of Camille

Camille (I) (2008)
sweet story, but takes a left turn
21 August 2023
Franco, carradine, miller, all nominated for huge awards during their careers. Silas (franco) is marrying camille (miller), who just happens to be his parole officer's neice. And things are already off to a rocky start, as they head to niagara falls for the honeymoon. Fighting, highway accidents, stolen wallets. What's going to happen next? For one thing, they keep bumping into cowboy bob, who has a weird outlook on life. But he turns out to be a good friend. After that... it all gets pretty odd. And weird. And sweet. Can't say too much. I have a theory about what really happened, but you should watch it and decide for yourself what really happened. Interesting ending, for sure. Directed by gregory mackenzie. This appears to be his only full length, feature film direction so far. Story by nick pustay.
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