Trapped in the Cabin (2023 TV Movie)
Wow! A Double Header
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Two number ones for the price of one. First, the dumbest pretext for a movie ever! The agent being the aggressor. Even with that terrible premise, it could have been a much better movie had they kept his identity secret for a while- could have built the suspense a lot more.

Second, the dumbest woman ever on a Lifetime movie! She knows the handyman for what- 5 minutes- and has wild shower sex with him. She furthers the stupidity by (after thinking he trashed the cabin and went through her stuff) by crying and moaning about "losing" him. Then, when the masked maniac is outside the cabin she LEAVES the cabing and runs right into him.

But she does make one miraculous recovery. She is limping around on her injured right foot and then she ends up giving Jason several vicious kicks with the miraculously cured right foot, but then she ends up limping again as if it's broken.

And, the fight scene at the end- pure malarky. And Jason's miraculous recovery to attack her again- terrible. Jason also is not a very good shot.

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