Peninsula (2020)
I guess I'll be one of the few to say I actually enjoyed this movie?...
20 August 2023
I was hoping and expecting this to be fun, and guess what, I thought it was. This is not a Train to Busan sequel, it is in essence set in the same universe. And as sequels go, wow must it suck to have to try to live up to Train to Busan. This isn't that. And it was still, in my opinion, a good movie.

I thought it had a great pace and it kept me interested in this apocalyptic slice of the world. The rest of the world goes on after a zombie outbreak, except for those left behind in quarantined Korea. And the ones left behind have either become bad ass, awesome survivors, or have gone insane crazy, or maybe even just become a little bit of both. This whole movie is a fight for survival, whether as a survivor in a zombie zone or a refugee cast into an uncaring world.

I'll admit that Korean zombies are pretty much my favorite versions of fast zombies. And the zombies in this movie were not at all a let down. They were scary without being overly gory, and the way they moved was just really cool, contorting and flipping and running over anything in front of them, including each other. But the way the zombies were used time and again as an effective weapon against the fighting survivors was just excellent. And not to mention the awesome "Mad Max" style apocalyptic car chases where a drifting car can take out zombies by the dozens.

This is not a waste of time to watch. It's a cool and fun zombie movie that actually made me feel pretty okay at the end (heart not completely broken, my hope intact).
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