It just lasts too long unless you love this kind of film
19 August 2023
Burt Reynolds is not a musical entertainer, and this is not to say that people who aren't professional singers can't be charming in a musical setting. He just simply has no charm here. He is awkward, and he looks ill-at-ease. Likewise, Cybill Shepherd, who in Last Picture Show has a certain charm and presence is not charming in this movie at all.

I'm also sorry to say that the situations where the songs come out seem contrived. This is not to bash Bogdanovich, or musicals, it's simply to say that a project that he had dreams and aspirations for didn't work out. It's not just a case of bad casting though, because the script is terrible and the jokes fall flat. Bogdonavich wrote the script, but why didn't he simply get a good writer? Just because you're a good director, it's not automatic you're also an Algonquin roundtable wit. I think what Bogdanovich was aiming for was something like the early sound musical films of Ernest Lubitsch. Those were all done with live singing on the set, and that is what he was trying to reproduce, but it's simply impossible when you don't have the talent, the script, and the same lightning-in-a-bottle that Lubitsch had to put it all across. At Long Last Love wanted to be charming and magical, but to me, it completely misses the mark, plus it's boring.

I'd always heard that this film ruined the first incarnation of Cybil Shepherd's acting career, but I looked it up and she didn't take a break from acting until the early 1980s. This for sure didn't hurt Burt Reynolds' career. The whole story of it does rather remind me of the old 1984 film "Irreconcilable Differences" in which a rising Hollywood director abandons his wife for the up-and-coming star of his big hit film, makes a musical version of Gone With The Wind that bombs starring his new girlfriend, and winds up losing his shirt, his career, and his girlfriend. I wonder if this film was an inspiration for portions of that film? Hmmm.
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