Very disappointed
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1. Ugly character designs: usually background characters can be ugly in Hollywood animated films, but this one has ugly main characters, which is a big red flag; 2. The Monkey King has been turned to a dumb evil street thug wannabe, with all the charms of this unique character totally ripped; Monkey in the original work is way smarter, more ambitious and freedom loving.

3. The stick is overpowered but underpowered at the same time: it can do whole lot of cool stuff with Monkey but is omnipotent when it's on its own, WTF?

4. The Dragon-zilla with an obese body is the most cringe of all; 5. Almost every character is now obnoxious with dumb comedy; 6. The subtext of the novel is the irony of religious power and political power, which is completely omitted in this adaptations.
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