Brotherhood (I) (2022)
What's this script, and plot holes?
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So firstly, kudos to the fact that this was "almost" well thought out. But then into the movie itself, there were so many plot holes, I mean a lot. Let me analyze certain scenes that I'm sure no research was done about them before they were filmed. First when the police were raiding that building first, a stethoscope was used to listen in if someone was in there. You only use a stethoscope to crack safes so I don't get the logic behind that and at the end of the day, what broke the door finally was an explosion and the action sequence after that was horrid. I don't want to analyze other scenes because I'll sound like a hater. The movie is watchable but truly as an analytical person, I think you might want to pass on this.
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