The Harbinger (II) (2022)
The Harbinger
16 August 2023
In a world suffering from something like COVID, Mo played by Gabby Beans takes the risk of visiting her old friend Mavis (Emily Davis) who is suffering various psychological problems claiming various horrors are occurring with her dreams. Soon after arriving, Mo starts having similar dreams where she has difficulty waking up and is pursued by a creature looking like a 17th century plague doctor with a beaked mask and later identified as The Harbinger who can take you and make the memory of your existence fade from everyone's minds.

Intelligent and thoughtful horror feature actually light on blood and jump scares which has a similar tone as The Babadook. It is therefore perhaps troubling rather than really scary, but you really do will Mo, excellently played by Gabby Beans, to find a way out of the dreams and to defeat the Harbinger. It is low budget, but imaginative and their are solid performances throughout and the pandemic setting seems all to frighteningly familiar.
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