14 August 2023
Not to be confused with the Reese Witherspoon film or any of the other dozen movies with the same name, this Best Laid Plans is a 6-part miniseries from the CBC and based on the novel by Terry Fallis. We follow Daniel Addison (Jonas Chernick), an intelligent but awkward speech writer for the opposition leader of the Canadian parliament, who quickly gets demoted to a small local campaign where our series narrative picks up, and we follow his struggles and learnings as he reassesses his priorities and values. Very like Veep in vibes, but not so in quality, the series never really seems to commit to any depth, keeps most political statements fairly neutral, and any character growth comes via being told or introspective revelations, rather than learned through experience. There's a lot of directly addressing the camera by the lead, which just didn't work for me, and I didn't find Chernick had the charisma for me to care much about his character. The writing was meh, though the acting was fine, it was believable, just somewhat boring. Like all the politicians in this show, what we're left with was pretty mid.
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