Twisted Metal (2023– )
How is this one of the best show on TV right now?
14 August 2023
This feels like a show from a bygone era: Locally made no-budget B-movies that somehow manage to be bad yet somehow great too?

The shots are flat, oversaturated, uninteresting, and often ugly. The effects are bad and shockingly subpar for today. The plot is predictable (though it does manage a few surprises). The world is about as big as a postage stamp. It looks cheaply made. Most of the acting is pretty 'whoever they could round up locally for their b-movie' level... even though it stars Anthony Mackie.

HOWEVER! It has charm. The driving chase/fighting scenes are real cars in real places being driven by real drivers. The locations are real locations that actually exist in the world and not only inside a computer. The humor is pretty spot-on for the material and quality of the show, which means the goofiness fits the end-product show. Theres a half-naked maniacal clown who drives an ice cream truck with machine guns who lusts for destruction.

By no means is this a show for everyone. Its based on an "edgy" PS1 game about cars blowing each other up with zany drivers. I dont know how they sqeezed this decent of a show. Its ridiculous and it shouldnt work, but nevertheless its good silly fun.
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