Pin Cushion (2017)
I was "not cool" throughout childhood...yet I made good friends
13 August 2023
I give the movie points for terrific production values, solid acting, and a decent score. But I couldn't relate to Iona at all, and even less with the mother, Lyn. Iona kept seeking friendships with terrible girls who were quite evidently terrible to Iona from the first moment they met her.

I wasn't popular in school either, but I found lasting friendships with people who had similar interests and were also not the "super cool" kids. Iona had dozens of other girls who she could have made friends with, including one who seemed interested in her at the beginning. She nearly had a nice boyfriend who treated her with respect, but she forsake him in her ridiculous attempt to befriend the bullies.

And all for what? To become a horrible person like these other girls? Was she that blind and stupid? Certainly, her priorities were completely upside down. I couldn't help having some pity for her, but kept shaking my head at her dumb decisions...why did you keep trying to befriend these awful girls, Iona, why? In the end, her hopeless avarice led to tragedy, and her unbalanced mother was even more self-centered with her final decision.

I won't deny the emotional pull of the movie, or blame anyone who found it heartbreaking and effective. I love independent films and adore weird people who don't fit in with societal standards (quite literally, that is me). But I don't enjoy people who willingly change their nature to appease unworthy company. I don't expect Iona to grow or mature from the experiences she had in this film and her life will continue to be miserable until she finally does.
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