About Sunny (2011)
Decent Yet Flawed.....One Cigarette Too Far
12 August 2023
Okay, we get it. She smokes!! There's no need to show her sucking deeply on a cigarette every two minutes. It kinda gets tedious after a while, but whatever. Not a deal breaker. Tight budget? Fine! Let's eat out all the time and hire cars to take us to the end of the block. Huh? Our lead is covincing for the most part, but then she lapses into some ridiculous and irrational break from character that derails the momentum. But she's clearly a tremendous talent and a very beautiful woman. A few supporting cast members ring exceptionally abusrd. But her desperation comes across as genuine. People simply do not impost themselves to virtual strangers in ths manner. Not giving specifics to avoid spoilers so hope you understand. The daughter? Kind of an ungracious snot most of the time and not what you'd call an endearing child. And like so many movies, the makers of this movie never miss an opportunity to slip in the obligatory black characters. Again, not a deal breaker but it happened enough that I noticed. This movie somehow seemed twice as long as it actually was. Our lead actress eventually reveals herself to just be an awful person. Awful! She does these horrible things that aren't necessary in the least. With a half hour to go I'd had enough. The storyline unravels from here on out, unfortunately. Too much to endure but I slogged through to the pathetic conclusion. Far too many closeup shots of people eating. That's absolutely disgusting. We know people eat. Everyone eats. We don't need to see it and we definitely don't need to hear it.
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