Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Gabot saves the day... and the movie
12 August 2023
Heart of Stone is an action romp centered around technology and our often mistaken belief in it. It's full of blitz and gizmo's with a literal 'Heart' of clichéd tech that gives the owner control over the world of course. It's stone heart is also figurative, with plenty of completely senseless deaths and deeply clichéd stone-hearted bad guys. Luckily, Gal Gadot as agent Stone saves the day. Plus the movie at that.

With a movie like this you just know it's best to keep scriptwriting expectations low, especially since Netflix seems to flaunder a little too many scripts these days, while always hoping that the performances save it. The script flings Gabot all over the place, but thankfully she handles it well with the right understated performance we've seen her give before.

All in all, it's not great, and would have benefited at the very least from giving agent Stone more funny lines (Gadot has excellent comedic timing) but there is some superagent fun to be had and the actors give it the old college try with the lines handed to them.

So yeah... a little extra heart would've been nice.
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