Heartstopper (2022– )
heartstopper indeed.
12 August 2023
Wow. So many things to say.

First, what is wrong with imdb not allowing more than ten stars?

Second, Netflix, I want to marry you, and mother your children.

Now. I read some of the reviews before writing mine, especially the bad ones, because I wanted to understand how people could *not like* something that got me obsessed.

I understand that Charlie was supposed to be black? Well, there are many black guys among the cast, so it's hard to call this racism or discrimination. Still... I understand how it may have hurt some people's feelings. I remember how I felt watching "Ender's game" thinking that Ender should have been black. It just wasn't right.

Also, I undertand the not-straight people who felt like this was (again) not realistic at all, and not dealing with their actual issues. If you ask me what my favourite LGBT+ series/movie is (and I have watched A LOT), I'll say "Queer as Folk". The difference is huge. But I don't think you can really compare them. This show was meant to be a fairy tale, it's there to make you dream. Why else would there be sparkles and fireworks and little hearts popping everywhere?

When you watch a "straight" ROMCOM you know it's not true, you know it's never gonna happen to you. You know Richard Gere (I'm that old, yeah) is not gonna come to pick you in a white limousine... Right? That's why you need to slip into fiction characters if you're going to experience perfect love, and you want to. I want to. Also, I am part of a large "community?" of slash readers/writers, mostly straight women, for some reason obsessed over BL. Anyway, for us, such a show is pure bliss. When I was a teen, I wanted to be man, so I could be gay.........

Last flaw mentionned was how could there be only one straight character in such a small group. Agreed. Felt really unrealistic. But, come to think about it. How many straight people are actually not straight, staying in the closet (and it's their business) or not even being aware of the closet?

About how *I* felt. Well, I am on top the universe, walking on happiness. I am watching for the second time (both seasons), I keep rewinding, I can't seem to get enough of their hugs and kisses, and smiles, and looks, and brushing hands, and...

OMG Kit Connor's visuals... True enough, he does look like a golden retriever, at first. But there is some kind of transformation about him when he smiles? And throughout the 16 episodes he kind of goes from teen to man. It's not just his body with all the working out. It's... the vibe. BTW if someone is looking for a new Captain Kirk?

I can't begin to say how much I loved absolutely everything about this show. There is this moment when the screen is parted in four frames where the boys kiss in different situations. Who (raise your finger if you dare) didn't pause several times to actually follow all four scenes?

Oh, yes, it's too sweet, too cheesy, too cliché, too predictable... So what? I want more!!! It grabbed me by the heart, pulled me inside this beautiful, warming, comforting romance. That's what matters.

I liked the parents and the teachers. How supportive they were. How they still established rules, as they should, because there should be no difference between straight love and gay love. No positive discrimination.

There are many things I wanted to say but won't, cause it will take all day. Just. At the end of season 2, I sat with my hand on my chest and thought "Ah, hence the title..." <3.
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