That's not even a word
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Getting released just three days before the remake of Jumanji, this mockbuster from The Asylum is way better than their usual fare, having plenty of humor and some heart.

Back when Sarah (Jessica Chancellor, who created and stars in the Mystery Incorporated series that's a more adult version of Scooby Doo) was a kid, her brother Jake (Brandon Root) disappeared from an arcade after playing the game Rancala. Years later, she's opening an arcade in tribute to him along with her friends Rae (Tiana Tuttle) and Chrissy (Emily Sweet, who was in the remake of Castle Freak). As they ready for the opening, someone has already been playing Rancala and using an icon that looks like Jake. All three are sucked into the game and become near-super heroic as they look for Sarah's lost brother.

Directed by Canyopn Price, who wrote the script with Daniel Lusko, this actually has a pretty fun story, some video game moments and a Sharknado first boss. I agree with other reviewers that this would be much better if every character the girls battle came from an Asylum movie, but that would require more thought than The Asylum gives to their films.

Also: Bai Ling is in this for approximately three minutes.
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