Fisk (2021– )
Whatever this is...
6 August 2023
Wife and I stumbled across this series and thought, why not? Glad we did. Took a period of adjustment though. We live in the US. In Connecticut. Our connection with Australia, it's people and their humor is non-existent. So, the pacing, outlook and phrasing of the show seemed...well...foreign. Fortunately, Kitty Flannigan is ingratiatingly quirky enough to pull us through and then in to the series. She's the show. Her reactions to the everyday crap she encounters are human and full of humor. This is not highbrow stuff. But it is thoughtful and seen through the eyes of a flawed, coping fellow human. So, it's relatable. And funny. Sometimes hilarious. And, yes, still a tad confusing. But worth the watch.
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