12 Hour Shift (2020)
12 Hour Shift: I didn't believe the hype, I shouldn't have
5 August 2023

Over the course of one 12-hour shift at an Arkansas hospital in 1999, a junkie nurse (Angela Bettis), her scheming cousin (Chloe Farnworth), and a group of black-market organ-trading criminals (Mick Foley, David Arquette, Dusty Warren) start a heist that could lead to their imminent demises.


Consistently demure Angela Bettis teams with David Arquette, while we get a small role from wrestling legend Mick Foley.


12 Hour Shift was a recommendation, truth be told it would be way down the line when I would have watched this otherwise if at all.

A thriller rather than a horror it's a rather tame little number that stays within the lines and at no point becomes even remotely adventurous.

Bettis plays quite a different character than usual and I wasn't keen on that, nor was I keen on her character at all. In fact that's one of the biggest problems with the film, who am I supposed to be rooting for here? Not a decent person among them.

It plods along like if Lifetime made horror movies and managed to keep my attention just enough but not enough to make it memorable or to truly say I enjoyed it.

Very distinctly average stuff, not good, not bad, just 86 minutes of meh.


Is it wrong that I wanted to see more Foley in this? Truth be told his presence wasn't really needed after his scene but it was just nice to see him in this film despite very much playing a character it's hard to believe if you're familiar with the guy in real life. I'd welcome a sequel if only to have him as the antagonist. More Mick Foley is always going to be a good thing.

Breakdown + Chloe Farnworth was great here + David Arquette was believable in his role
  • David Arquette's character had little impact
  • Very mediocre overall
  • Not enough Foley!
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