The Passenger (III) (2023)
Echoes of Falling Down
5 August 2023
I loved this film! The beginning is brilliantly set up, we're not sure who the antagonist or protagonist is going to be. But soon enough, we find out in a brutally executed way.

It reminded me a lot of Falling Down (which I also love). It's a character driven thriller which has moments of dark humour and moments of sadness, but it all leads to a fitting final act.

Definitely worth a watch for those who love psychological thrillers. It's cleverly written and superbly acted. The whole cast are fantastic here.

I've rated it so highly because 1 it deserves it, but 2 I'm fed up with franchise movies selling us the same crap with 0 creativity. Here's a film worthy of your time and we need more like them.
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