Review of Florida Man

Florida Man (2023)
I wanted to like this, but I just can't.
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I live in Orlando. I have since the mid-80's. I love shows that are set in my state like Miami Vice, Burn Notice, Bloodline, and Nip/Tuck. I also love dark and quirky humor. So this show was going to be an instant hit for me... until it wasn't.

The main character has such a thick accent that I had to turn on the Closed Captions. I hate Closed Captions because I stress for having to read as fast as I can and I miss so much of the actor's facial expressions and body language. Seems his father and brother don't have this accent? That was not explained.

The woman just has no redeeming qualities other than a well preserved body and pleasant face. I have no connection or sympathy for her as she seems to be always in the situation for herself and the writing makes nothing funny of this. In fact, every character is in it for themselves including our protagonist. So why do I care? A bunch of greedy people who would leave you on the side of the road for fifty bucks. That gets tiring and I gave up half way through episode 3.
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