Class of '09 (2023)
Demands excessive suspension of disbelief
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this series in respect to its production quality, but the plot was let down by three unaddressed absurdities:

1. The US Constitution simply disappeared. As the AI system began instructing 'predictive arrests', there was magically no legal/political barrier to that flagrant infringement of people's fundamental constitutional rights. Failing to address how this happened tarnished the series from a believability perspective.

2. It was some sort of 'alternative universe' where no person or organisation had any awareness of the inherent dangers of AI (except the original coders, who constructed the system nonetheless).

3. Other than the primary FBI characters, every other law enforcement and judicial person was portrayed a mindless drone who unquestioningly did whatever the AI instructed.

Those three unaddressed plot deficits ultimately made the series implausible. It was glaringly insufficient writing; a good idea that deserved far more intelligent development that it received.

I mean, seriously, wouldn't the AI system have been programmed to include the constitution whilst all other laws and regulations were incorporated into its data?

It just got implemented without exhaustive Congressional and Senatorial committees?

The series NEEDED to explain how this scenario could actually occur in real life. It needed more intelligent, better researched, writing. Doing so believably would have elevated the story to a truly disturbing and thought provoking level.
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