Good Omens, Good People
2 August 2023
Good Omens is a television series that explores the concept of choosing one's identity, regardless of the world's expectations. The show's finale is a free will extravaganza, with characters such as Adam, Them, Anathema, Madame Tracy, Crowley, and Aziraphale choosing different endings. The finale highlights the power of choice and the human ability to choose between angelic and demonic beings. The story highlights the importance of choosing one's own identity and the power of reality-altering powers to shape our lives. The show's message is that we can choose who we are, regardless of our worldly expectations. The centuries-long love story between Crowley and Aziraphale is Good Omens' greatest treasure. The original ending is extended with a bonus caper, where they avoid their executions using a magic trick. Crowley and Aziraphale exchange bodies in preparation for their inevitable punishments, with Aziraphale-as-Crowley walking past his Bentley and hailing a cab instead of driving. The clever addition of a strawberry ice lolly and a vanilla with a flake adds a new dimension to the story. In Good Omens, Crowley is on trial in Hell for his crimes and sentenced to death. Before his arrival at the airbase, Adam and his friends rush to stop him. Aziraphale prepares to shoot the Antichrist, but Tracey intervenes. Adam and his friends decide to return to normalcy, but Adam's friends intellectually challenge them, defeating their physical prowese with wishes. Anathema's engineering prevents the nuclear launches, showcasing the power of friendship and ingenuity in the endgame. Gabriel and Lord Beelzebub from Heaven and Hell instruct Adam to re-launch the Apocalypse, but Adam refuses. Aziraphale questions if the plan is the Great Plan or the Ineffable Plan, unsure of God's ultimate plans. They reveal the truth to Satan, the Antichrist's father. Aziraphale, Crowley, and Adam are taken to a desert plain where they advise Adam to change the world for the better. After receiving wisdom, they are dropped back on Earth, where Adam rejects Satan. Unable to contain his anger, Adam reverts to his real Father, denying his presence and causing him to fade from existence. Adam changes the world, rewriting the past and present, and is grounded by his real parents. In Good Omens, Crowley and Aziraphale are sent to hellfire and holy water for their treachery in the park. They are sentenced to the worst death for their treachery, but they emerge unscathed and seemingly transcend beyond their forms. They return to Earth and wait until no one is watching before switching back to their original forms. The episode and series end with Adam chasing after his friends, waving at Anathema who burns the last prophecies. Despite the slightly anticlimactic ending, Good Omens delivers a well-written finale that resolves all loose ends and resolves them in a satisfying manner. Although Anathema's story is weak, the rest of the plot lines maintain a consistent pace throughout the runtime. Amazon's Original series also delivers a thoroughly enjoyable six-episode run, showcasing the series' great work and satisfying ending.
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