Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol: Part One (1988)
Season 25, Episode 5
The Happiness Patrol: Part One
2 August 2023
In the Barbenheimer era. This is the Doctor Who story to watch. Even the Tardis is turned pink.

The design choices and pink is featured heavily such as pink stiletto heels. All very Barbie.

The story is inspired by a term coined by Margaret Thatcher after the Falklands victory. She wanted the nation to rejoice and forget about the incompetence that led to the islands getting invaded in the first place or the soldiers who died liberating them.

The Happiness Patrol has Sheila Hancock as Helen A, the leader of a earth colony and based on Mrs Thatcher. She just wants everyone to be happy or else you disappear.

The Kandyman partly based in Bertie Bassett is her sweet henchman.

The Doctor and Ace arrive and pretty soon are sick and tired of the saccharine infected neighbourhood they have landed in.

Although conceived as a noirish story it very much turns to a gaudy cartoonish romp with political undertones. Something that belongs to Season 24.

Amazingly the opening episode gets away with it. The studio sets are a mixture of good and bad, the go kart is just bad. The Doctor could had made a faster getaway by just crawling.
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