Captain Fall (2023)
Don't miss the point
1 August 2023
This is something I haven't seen before. Not that I can think of, anyway. At first I thought it would be like Archer. But it's much darker. It's such a complete juxtaposition. Silly on one hand and on the other hand, uncomfortably dark. I could see people being offended by the way the subject matter is treated. But it's not all for superficial laughs. There is a very sinister undertone. I found myself laughing at the buffoon looking through the wrong end of the binoculars in an episode about child soldiers. Includes many tonal shifts and many levels. It's absurd and serious at the same time. People saying this is just normal comedy that they've seen before must be watching it while they're ironing. It's a show that says "Look how silly this guy is. He doesn't even realize that he's being used to murder multiple people (on screen) and kidnap people to be used as sex slaves. Haha isn't that funny?" Isn't it?
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