Head of the Family (1996)
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cult Cuts Volume 31 (Return to the Video Store: Full Moon Rising Part One)

#4/4: Head of the Family (1996)

(7/10): So if I'm not mistaken this is one of the first films that Full Moon made after the severance with Paramount as they had some creative differences, and as far as I'm concerned they still showed a decent effort considering that they had their budgets cut.

Head of the Family is a weird oddball horror/comedy that focuses on a young couple and the guys friend who, unbeknownst to him is constantly sleeping around with his girlfriend. After a late night hookup in the backseat of his car they drive off and find a suspicious road block that he goes to investigate and finds a group of people carrying unconscious people into their house of which he decides to get the license plate number of the car that they were using as well as other pictures.

He then ends up getting on one of their nerves in public and then they go back to the house where he meets the Head of the Family, the Brains of the operation who is telepathically linked to his siblings all with various deformities or powers. He then begins to bribe him as he has a set up with a lawyer that if not fulfilled he will mail the evidence convicting the family to the authorities and get them arrested.

He wants her boyfriend out of the picture but once they oblige he gets too greedy and starts bribing them for money which then gets the Head to take it upon himself to dig up information on his arrangements and take care of the evidence and then them.

It's got some solid low budget production value and interesting and memorable character design as well as quite a bit of nudity to accompany it.

It's well paced and has a runtime that doesn't overstay its welcome. The jokes didn't always land for me but it was enough to keep it interesting and enjoyable.

The film even lends itself, purposefully, to some old horror tropes and has fun with them.

It's a movie that one could deem offensive today as it's portraying people who have deformities in a manner that seems like it would be mocking them but it's really not, it's just a B-Movie that is just having fun with its silly ideas.

Although I do gotta say it's type of humour isn't for everyone, it's for people who enjoy good bad movies.
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